
This blog provides supplementary thoughts and ideas to the site. If you haven't seen the main site, there is a lot there including the Martel and Rodwell interviews, photos, and articles. This blog is focused on advancing bridge theory by discussing the application of new ideas. All original content is copyright 2009 Glen Ashton.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

If you are using something like (and you should), the site feed is:

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Alje Kamminga, who edited both the Chip Martel and Eric Rodwell interviews, was first in the world, with partner Margaret Pearce in the 21st Worldwide Bridge Contest on June 2. Congratulations Alje and Margaret!

Thursday, August 09, 2007

ETM CANDY is now up - it combines:
a) Two-way club, either 17+ any or 11-13 with a five card major and balanced/semi-balanced
b) Canape 1M openings
c) 2C opening show 5+Ss and 4+Hs
d) 2M Fantunes openings - 9/10-13 five or longer suit, if just 5 then must have a singleton or void

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Karen and I are surprised how much we have used Good Bad Gerber since we added it. Yesterday RHO opens 3C, I bid 3NT with minimum values, and Karen has a strong hand. She uses GBG and finds out I have a bad hand with one ace and parks us in 4NT, just high enuff. In addition if 4C was Stayman (or modified Stayman asking for strength and a major), we would have found a major fit and ran into banana splits and got ice creamed.