Monica\'s Dark Odyssey [coach]8/31/2013 12:05:45 PM
Monicaselesgigglesalittlewhenshetalks.Nike Coupon Codes 2013 Shealwayshas, justalittlehiccupthatbubblesupthroughherstreamof-consciousnessconversation, whethersheistalkingaboutseriousmattersoryouthfulpiffle. AttheCanadianOpeninTorontotwoweeksback-herscorchingreturntothesportsheoncesothoroughlydominated-shelethergigglefluttereasily, eventhroughsomedarkreflections. \"IthinkI\'vegrownupalotintwoandahalfyears, \"shetoldNEWSWEEKinawide-ranginginterview. \"LyinginthehospitalIthoughtaboutmylifealot. Ididn\'teventhinkthatonedayI\'dbebackplayingtennis. WhatdidIwanttodo, whatmademehappy? \"ThetournamentwasherfirsttruecompetitionsincethematchonApril30, 1993, inHamburg, Germany, whenamisguidedsoulwithanine-inchserratedkitchenknifetriedtoputanendtohercareerandherlife. Forfouryearsshehadbeenthestarattractiononthewomen\'stour, squashingthecompetitionandmakingheadlineswithherfashionsenseandmercurialpersonality. Whenshefell, thepopularityofthetourfellwithher. Nowshewastryingtocomeallthewaybackfromthe\"darktunnel\"shefearedshewouldneverputbehindher. Shewasalittletallernow, nearlyafullsixfeet, andalittleself-consciousaboutherrummy. \"That\'sallthebagelsandpasta, \"shesaid. \"InmysadnessIsubstitutedfood. Ididn\'teatbad, justlots. \"Inthiswarm-upfortheU. S. Open, whichheatsupthisweekinNewYork, shecutthroughheropponentslikeshe\'dnevermissedamatch;bythemiddleofthetournament, evenhergrunthadreturned. Butoffthecourt, Seles\'slifehadchanged. Shetraveledwithabodyguardnow. Notoriousforherglamorousstyleanddesigneroutfits, sherelaxedinTorontoinfloppyTshirtsandballcaps, unconcernedabouthersweatyfaceorhair, amessofstringyringlets. \"Istillliketoshop, \"sheadmitted, \"butit\'smostlyjustwindow-shoppingnow. \"Asshetalkedbetweenmatches, itwaseasytoforgetshewasstillonly21. \"Everythingwassodarkforalongtime, \"shesaid. \"IthoughtabouthowluckyIwastheknifewasn\'taninchoverintomyspine. \"WhenIlookedatitthatway, Isaid, \'Monica, you\'vehadsuchagreatcareeralready. \'ButeverythinghappenedsoyoungthatmaybeIdidn\'tappreciateitenough. Lookingback, IalsothoughtofallthetournamentsIplayed:howmanydidIreallyenjoy, howmanydidIhavestrongmemoriesof? Andthereweren\'tthatmany. Iwantedtochangethat. WhenIcameback, IwantedtomakesureIhadmorefun. Justbegrateful, dothebestIcanandenjoymyself. \"InthematchesinToronto, infact, asone-sidedastheywere, sometimesSeleswouldmissareturnhere, overslugagroundstrokethere. \"I\'dsaytomyself, \'Monica, loosenup. Don\'tbesohardonyourself. \"ButoccasionallythestabbingepisodeinHamburgwouldstillrearup. \"OnlongpointsIstartthinking, \"shesaid. \"Thereareflashbacks. Ibacktrack. ThenItellmyself, \'Youcan\'tdothis. You\'reinamatch. Justgooutandplaygreattennis\'. \"\'Dramaqueen\':Forthetroubledsportofwomen\'stennis, Seles\'sreturnisagodsend. EversincesheupsetChrisEvertinjustthesecondtournamentinhercareerin1989, andtwoyearslaterbecametheyoungesttop-ratedplayerofalltime, Seleshadbeenthecircuit\'smostmagneticstar. Bytheageof19, shehadwoneightGrandSlamsandwaspullingawayfromhernearestrival, SteffiGraf(chart). Beyondhertalent, shebroughtaniconoclasticebullienceandatheatricalairtoagamethatwasbecomingblandlyproficient. Shewouldthrowrosestothecrowd, ordisguiseherselfundergaudyhatsandwigs. OneyearsheskippedWimbledonwithoutexplanation, disappearingamidrumorsshewaspregnantbyDonaldTrump. DonaldTrump? \"Biggerthanlife, \"saysbroadcasterMaryCarillo. \"Shealwaysunderstoodhowtomakethingsoperatic. Whichisjustwhatthetourneeded. \"Herpeerssometimesresentedtheshow. EvertcalledSelesa\"dramaqueen. \"MartinaNavratilovamockedherfornotwearingabraandsaidheron-courtgrunting\"soundedlikeastuckpig. \"ButwhenSelesdisappearedfromthecircuit, women\'stennisdecidedlylostsomeofitssavor. Ininjuredexile, Selesdeliberatelyupstagedherpeersonseveraloccasions. Sheshowedupatthe\'93U. S. Openon\"ArthurAsheDay. \"Sheannouncedherexhibitioncomeback--amatchwithNavratilovainAtlanticCity--duringthewomen\'squarter-finalsatthisyear\'sFrenchOpenandhertournamentcomebackonthedayofthewomen\'sfinalatWimbledon. \"She\'sstillgotthedivadealgoing, \"saysCarillo. \"Howcanthewomennotfeelresentment? \"Onherreturn, someplayerswereoutragedthatwithouthavingcompetedformorethantwoyears, shewasimmediatelyrankedco-No. 1, alongsideGraf. Selessimplydismissedthecontroversy. \"Ididn\'tcare, \"shesays. \"IfI\'mgoodenough, I\'llbethere. \"Bythetimeshe\'dmadefastworkofheropponentsinToronto-GrafwasupsetbytheunseededAmandaCoetzerinthefirstround--thequestionwasacademic. Thechampion, andthecharismashebroughttothetour, wasback. Graf, whogreetedherwithaheartfelthug, wasnotsurprisedbySeles\'sferociousform. \"Monicadoesnotreturn, \"shesaid, \"unlessshe\'sfitandready. \"ForSeles, thetournamentvictorywasabigstepinwhathasbeenatwo-yearordeal, bothphysicalandmental. Theactualinjuryfromtheknifewoundwasminor, buttheassaultdamagedherpsyche. ShegraduallyworkedherbodybackintoshapeundertheguidanceofBobKersee(therenownedtrackcoachandhusbandofJackieJoyner-Kersee)andsoughttreatmentfrompsychologistJerryR. Mayforposttraumaticstressdisorder. Shrinktalknowpopsupregularlyinherconversation;MaywasamongherentourageinToronto. ShetookFrenchlessons, learnedtoplaytheguitar, tookuppooland--aftereightyearsoflivinginFloridawithherparents, ethnicHungariansfromSerbia--shefinallybecameaU. S. citizen. Ontheexam, shesays, shewasaskedtonametheyoungestU. S. president. \"Itoldthisladythatwasn\'tonthequestionstheygaveus. Shesaiditdidn\'tmatter;shewasaskingmeanyway. \"Shetookapass(theanswerisTeddyRoosevelt). Theworks:WhileshecouldnotbringherselftowatchtheGrandSlamtournaments, \"sheknewwhatwashappeningontour, \"saysBetsyNagelson, the$9-year-oldformerproplayerwhohasbecomeherbestfriend. \"Monicaknewhertenniswouldstandup. Sheknowshowgoodsheis. \"LastMarchSelescalledameetingwithhermanager, MarkMcCormack, whoisalsoNagelson\'shusband. \"Iwanttoplayagain, \"shesaidsimply. Theydiscussedtournamentscheduling, appearances, security, hittingpartners, doctors, mediaaccess, contracts, endorsements, theworks. SelesswitchedherallegiancefromFilatoNike, signingforareportedfiveyearsand$15million. \"IfitNike. Nikeisfun, \"shesays. WithNagelson, shealsobeganweeklyvisitstothebatteredteensandrunawaysattheHouseofHopeshelterinOrlando, Fla. , drawingontheircourageandtoughness. AttheSpecialOlympicsinNewHaven, Conn. , shetookstillmoreinspirationfromtheathleteswho\"seemtohavemorefunthananytennisprosevenaftertheywinamatch. \"AsshefacestheU. S. Openthisweek, andthepossibilityofashowdownwithGraf, Seleswantstokeepalivesomeofthatfunforherself. She\'sbiggerandstrongernow, butastepslowerthanshewastwoyearsago. She\'salwayshadpowerfulstrokes;nowherserveisatrueweapon. \"ThisisthetoughestathleteI\'veeverknown, \"saysMcCormack, whohasrepresentedArnoldPalmer, JackNicklaus, JoeMontanaandWayneGretsky. Andsheknowsthehorrorsoftheworldfirsthand. TheotherdaysheandNagelsonwenttosee\"Kids, \"thegut-churningfilmaboutmodernurbanteenagers. Astheyleftthetheater, NagelsonturnedtoSeles. \"Oh, myGod, \"Nagelsonsaid. \"Iwantedtoleave. That\'sjustnotreality. \"Yes, \"Selesanswered. \"That\'sjustwhatitis. \"Thebestfemaletennisplayerintheworldhadfinishedherownjourneytohellandback. MonicaSelesknowsreality. Beforeherstabbing, MonicaSelesruledthecourt. Then, SteffiGrafandothersseizedhercrown. 19901991199219931994AustralianOpenbaaab[*]FrenchOpenaaab[*]c[*]Wimbletoncbbb[*]c[*]U. S. Opencaab[*]c[*]VirginiaSlimsaaab[*]c[*]aSaleswinsbGrafwinscOther*SalesOutSOURCE:1995INFORMATIONPLEASESPORTSALMANACGetNewsweekonyourTablet

The Best Sports Stores In Singapore [coach]8/12/2013 9:44:22 AM
What are the best sport stores in Singapore?children's place coupon code Where do you go when you have the adrenalin of the athlete pumping through your brains and you dont have the proper equipment to rule the world with your prowess? No need to look to the trees and fashion a shoe out of bark and angsana leaves but simply head down into town and be sucked into the velocity of hundreds of sporting outlets all over the island that will leave you and soon, your competition dizzy. Well the first thing that hits your mind are brand names like Adidas and Nike, which have striped this country and checked every possible location where any sort of human traffic will be passing through. Lets face it, many of us have been hit by the fitness bug but no regime is complete without some sort of rubber air cooled spring shoe or ceramicool outfit to keep us fast, give us grip and windy and cool even when the situation heats up. These famous brand names are everywhere, from old shopping centres to new fangled multi plexes like VivoCity. Their boutiques are usually quite huge and they are the ones who are on top of technology when it comes to the latest science of making you run faster than the wind and jump higher than the clouds. There isnt much left for me to say here because the quality of the products and the uses are pretty well spelled out in the hundreds of advertising campaigns all over T. V. Impossible is nothing and just do it are two answers you should be looking for when you think there is no way you can find the right shoe for you or if you are still contemplating whether you should join that marathon at age 51. But if you are looking for a wider variety and a chance to bargain, stores like World of Sports are the one stop center for every brand imaginable, from the famous to the mediocre and prices ranging to the wallet tearing to the extremely cheap and reasonable. Brands from umbro, puma, reebok are just some you can expect to come across. The good thing here is they have everything, from track pants to tennis shoes, from golf balls to latex tank tops. Everything you need to play 6 different types of sports at once is available in abundance even to tiny details like sweat bands and caps. Just a note to the thrifty shopper, try to head down to places like Peninsula Plaza or wholesome sporting stores in Queensway shopping centre. The prices are much cheaper and you can haggle your way to a 2 for 1 deal if you are good enough. There isnt enough space for me to list all the shops that are available in these margin malls but they are plenty and they are reliable, lower rent means lower prices and the deal you will be getting in some of these places are well worth the journey there.

Elements Of Logo Design [coach]8/8/2013 10:37:04 AM
You know a great logo when you see one but you\'d like to know what goes into designing one.Mlb Shop Free Shipping Coupon Code A word of caution if you\'re thinking about going the \"do it yourself\" route in designing your logo is appropriate. It is one thing to read and understand the elements or principles of good design, but applying them appropriately is another matter. The explosion in software development has flooded the market with a wide variety of programs that will enable you to design your own logo. Even the most basic Desktop Publishing program has enough features to get the job done. Creativity is an art, not a science, and all too often novices sit down with the DTP software and are so enamored with the available features that they use as many of them as they can. Professionals know what features to apply and in what proportions. The Internet has made a variety of lower cost professionals available at reasonable prices. Most offer custom design services and the better ones include diagnostic interviews so they can learn what your company is all about. So at least explore the possibility of hiring a professional design consultant to help. The use of color will illustrate one of the many benefits of professional services. If you go it alone your DTP program will let you concoct color combinations never seen by human eyes. But when you take your logo to the printer, can they be reproduced? A professional designer will know. Organizing Principle of Logo DesignThe color discussion leads us to the organizing principle of logo design: simplicity leads to functionality. Think about it and you\'ll realize that some of the best logos ever created are really pretty simple. The McDonald\'s Golden Arch, Apple\'s apple with the bite out of it, and Nike\'s \"swoosh\" are all examples. So where does functionality fit in? Logos are used in too many ways to even list. Consider some of them: on the corporate offices and satellite locations, on banners and billboards, on the Internet, on letterhead and business cards, on every piece of marketing material the company produces, on promotional items like shirts and hats, and yes, even on the tops of swizzle sticks placed in drinks served at company sponsored events. Simple logos will work for any of those uses. They can pretty much go anywhere and do anything. So remember the KISS principle: Keep it Simple, Stupid! Font Style and SizeAs is the case with all elements, Fonts should be selected which match the nature of the company\'s business. If you want viewers of your logo to be reassured that your company is reliable, safe, and trustworthy, avoid flashy fonts and bold use of font sizes. Leave that for the logos representing companies in bold, new, and innovative fields like alternative energy development. Banks and other financial service companies should use traditional and familiar font styles. Using ColorAgain, use bold colors like reds and oranges for bold businesses. Muted colors are not what you want here. Use of a lot of colors can actually be distracting. The old Apple logo contained multiple layers of color but it was redesigned to improve its functionality in the late 1990\'s. Using Enhancing EffectsMany good logos simply present the company name and graphically enhance certain letters by wrapping them or stretching them in some way. Look at the FedEx logo. Simply boxing off the name created the desired effect. Simple, yet functional!

Promotional Polo Shirts To Create Value For Business [coach]7/28/2013 10:06:04 PM
Every one wants to take their business forward.Lacoste Outlet Online Each business organisation undertakes various activities to propel itself further. Figuring out tasks that can enhance the value of the business is no easy task. Giving away promotional items is one such activity that can enhance the value of your business. Now there are various promotional items in the market that can help you achieve this purpose. Promotional polo shirts are also a great option and can help you create value for your business. Their useful nature can help you increase your business manifold and can get promising returns to your business. By the virtue of the utility that these promotional polo shirts have to offer they ensure that you give the full value for the money they have spent in this promotional item. A promotional polo shirt is an item that will definitely find usage no matter for what kind of target audience it is used. It is very important for a promotional item to be used if it wants to get your brand name noticed. No promotional item can endorse your brand till the time it is lying in some corner of the cupboard. Thus by ensuring usage promotional polo shirts promise that your brand name is going to get attention for sure. The value of your business enhances by itself when it achieves fair enough brand awareness. This is because a business can only get customers if people know about its very existence. You cant expect people to buy your product till the time they know of it. Talking about customers that make the most important aspect for any business entity, promotional polo shirts are great options that can help you reach out to your existing and potential customers. Promotional polo shirts can help add o the value of your business by enhancing your customer base. With promotional polo shirts you can ensure that your existing customers do not switch loyalties and stay on with your brand forever. By giving your customers a useful item you are likely to present yourself as an organisation that values its customers and does not treat them as a mere source of revenue.lacoste polo outlet And in most cases you customers are likely o stick on your company for the recognition that you have shown. At the same time promotional polo shirts can also help you get to your potential customer base by being as a constant reminder of your brand that can influence then to stick to the product offered by your company. Thus promotional polo shirts can add great value to your business by helping you build a considerable customer base. For any related information simply log on to .

Get Newest Tods Bags From Our Store [coach]7/21/2013 11:39:15 AM
Tods fashion tastes for purses are sometimes fastened to the weather.Lane Bryant Coupon As an example in the summer and spring period, girls wish to carry light weight canvas bags that are often tiny in size and contain thin straps. The tods bags can be allow you to carry as a tote or shoulder bag, and its adjustable exterior straps can be used to hold large personal items. Which you want to carry to such parties. Many ladies would like to carry fashion purses that have unique designs. It has got to match your mood and the situation you are in. Every woman has a secret fantasy to own a Louis Vuitton. The bag is a sign of elegance and finesse. Any woman carrying a Louis Vuitton gets more women attention than men. If you're going to work, clearly the outfit has to modify. If you're going to the mall, dressed for that. Tods Bag is perfect in quality and design, classic, modern, and very chic lady bags series. The bags take classic hand bag shapes and hnowaywogm styles like leather totes and chic satchels and transform them into functional business bags. It feature apricot cow leather, soft round brass trim and leather adornment, particularly elegant chic. This is Tods Outlet most simple but classic leather bags. Get fashion forward with handbags. This medium sized satchel has a simple yet sophisticated design that will become a classic addition to your handbag collection. The top leather exterior with contrast stitching trims and glossy silver hardware. An envelope-style front pocket has space to keep your phone or keys, and has a snap-hook closure. An additional exterior back pocket is the perfect hidden storage. So all the ladies who are saving precious money to own a satisfied tods bags should keep in mind such details. Those of you, who can not afford to buy a perfect,Jessica London Coupons tods bags can serve the purpose along with helping you put the money saved to some better use. The tods bags is true luxury, having the freedom to adapt your favorite accessories according to your mood and your feelings, making it different every day. Everyone loves a great sale, especially fashionistas with a keen eye for a good deal. So we thought we'd let you know that right now at our website. Paying attention to these fine details is one of the sure ways to determine that you are getting the high-quality tods bags that you are paying handsomely for.

Milan Fashion Week autumn [coach]7/5/2013 9:19:55 PM
Milan Fashion Week autumn No sooner does Adele reveal that she prefers dressing primly to putting it all out there, then Milan steps into line. Alberta Ferretti explored a buttoned-up kind of allure in her show, with high necklines, below-the-knee hems and a self-assured, hard-boiled swagger that brought to mind Joan Crawford and Bette Davis. This is a departure from her normal draping and whispy chiffon - and a welcome one. Who doesn't love film noir, particularly when it yields glossy black leather dresses, supple as a criminal's conscience; and pinstripe suits, sharp as a stiletto. The tailoring was strong enough to seduce a Chandler: Raymond, not the the sappy one from Friends. Lisa Armstrong Massimiliano Giornetti, in situ since 2010, is modernising this venerable Italian brand with brio. That means jettisoning gimmicks and concentrating on semi-strict, rather than slouchy, tailoring - this time in velvet and leather - and juxtaposing it with gold-stamped chiffon and drop-shouldered dresses in garnet or black. If the drop-waists on thick lace dresses were a mis-step, and some styling a bit overwrought, those gleaming knee-high boots more than compensated. Let's not forget that Salvatore Ferragamo started out in the Forties as a cobbler. Karl Lagerfeld's collection for Fendi included some excellent examples of shape-manipulation sleight-of-hand. Wide, rigid, stomach-embracing lines contrasted with a fuller shape at the shoulder - which also obscured the upper arm but left the forearm displayed. Even at night, the cosy embrace of sheepskin coat has replaced the feathery bolero as a companion to satin evening dresses and bell-bottoms. Their shoes made sense: how else do you lift a khaki or camel if not with silver Mary Janes?The white tights with which Marni accessorised every look will be a minority pursuit, but they were a foil for the cropped-at-the-shin black trousers that came out with almost everything else. The trousers were part of what Consuelo Castiglioni described as "my ongoing love affair with all things masculine. But I wanted to counteract the boyishness with curved, slender shapes." And that's what she did. Short-sleeved tops and belted jackets had an almost hour-glass outline, but there were plenty of loose, drop-belted coats and dresses for those who avoid obvious come-hither dressing. Stand by for Marni's forthcoming appearance at H Are you ready for the scrum?The models' dip-dyed hair and eye make-up were characteristically quirky, so were the rubber-coated platform Mary Jane shoes. "Practical for winter," said Miuccia Prada backstage, although she almost slipped up when she took her bow in them. All the trouser suits and high-waisted jackets and coats will walk right out of the store, even if they end up being bought in black, rather than the clashing grid patterns, one being a vintage Prada print. "Black is easy but boring," said Prada. She must have had a tedious day: she was head to toe in it.. [coach]6/21/2013 2:41:09 AM
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Choose Cool Trendy And Funky College Bags For Boys [coach]6/11/2013 6:27:09 AM
Gone are the days when only girls are particular about the latest fashion and louis vuitton Monogram Idylle replica Nowadays, even boys are crazy and won't prefer to step out of the house without carrying matching accessories like bags, sunglasses, watches, etc. Their outfit is not complete without all these things. However, when it comes to college, both girls and boys look for funky college bags. Teenagers are crazy about college, from the time of their board exams; they start dreaming and are excited about the new life of the university. Each and every one wants to look his best, tries to attract the girls, and wants to be the famous dude of the collage. For this, they look for the trendiest outfits, other accessories and opt to flaunt the expensive gadgets. They love to carry the college bag that is cool, trendy and boyish. And above, with all the gadgets and gizmos that they carry these days, from digital cameras and iPods to notebooks and iPhones, a bag is must-have. Today, there are various types and styles of cool, trendy and funky college bags for boys are also available in the market places. The forms of bags that are highly popular among today's youths are backpacks, laptop bags, sling bags, sports bag, messenger bags, holdall, tote, newsboy bags, duffel bags, and shoulder bags. Some prefer duffel bags, some like shoulder bags, and other like backpacks. The things, you should check before picking college bags are functionality, space, quality, longevity, style, price, and brand. Space and durability are the most important things, when it comes to college bags. A bag should enough room to keep books, stuff material, notes, and other required stuff. Above mentioned are the most popular and funky college bags for boys in the world. Also, backpacks, duffel and slings are noticed more than any other form of bag as they are quite roomy, handy, as well as trendy. On the other hand, because we all now live in a world of gadgets and gizmos, and books, it's worth saying that the bag has progressed into something that is more handy and functional. In this day and age, there are rucksacks and laptop bags that have a partition intended for e-book readers, notebooks, laptops and other devices. Boys are crazy about branded items, be it an apparel, footwear, or bag, they want to have the top brands for all. Even, college going teenagers, prefer to carry branded bag. The famous brands that provide funky college bags for boys are Adidas, Puma, United colors of Benetton, Nike, Fastrack, Gear, Fila, Basics, Probase, Wildcraft, and many others. Trendy and funky college bags are widely used nowadays and, in fact, they appear to be making some sort of fashion statement among youngsters.

Memory Strategy May Help Depressed People Remember the Good Times [coach]6/8/2013 1:56:02 AM
The study is published in Clinical Psychological Science,Tela Monogram Borse Outlet Online a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. Previous research has shown that being able to call up concrete, detailed memories that are positive or self-affirming can help to boost positive mood for people with a history of depression. But it\'s this kind of vivid memory for everyday events that seems to be dampened for people who suffer from depression. Researcher Tim Dalgleish of the Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit and colleagues hypothesized that a well-known method used to enhance memory -- known as the "method-of-loci" strategy -- might help depressed patients to recall positive memories with greater ease. The method-of-loci strategy consists of associating vivid memories with physical objects or locations -- buildings you see on your commute to work every day, for instance. To recall the memories, all you have to do is imagine going through your commute. In the study, depressed patients were asked to come up with 15 positive memories. One group was asked to use the method-of-loci strategy to create associations with their memories, while a control group was asked to use a simple "rehearsal" strategy, grouping memories based on their similarities. After practicing their techniques, the participants were asked to recall as many of their 15 positive memories as they could. The two methods were equally effective on the initial memory test conducted in the lab -- both groups were able to recall nearly all of the 15 memories. But the strategies were not equally effective over time. After a week\'s worth of practice at home, the participants received a surprise phone call from the researchers, who asked them to recall the memories one more time. Participants who used the method-of-loci technique were significantly better at recalling their positive memories when compared to those who used the rehearsal technique. These data suggest that using the method-of-loci technique to associate vivid, positive memories with physical objects or locations may make it easier for depressed individuals to recall those positive memories, which may help to elevate their mood in the long-term. In addition to Dalgleish, co-authors on this research include Lauren Navrady, Elinor Bird, Emma Hill, Barnaby Dunn and Ann-Marie Golden, all of the Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit. This research was supported by the U. K. Medical Research Council.

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