2005 World Championships – Canadian Open Team Detailed Schedule


Day 1 - Sunday 23 October

#1 Japan - Sunday 23 October – 10h00-12h50


Pair:                 Chen - Furuta

System:            Natural with Multi, 2H for majors, 2S for spades & minor

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  Multi (no strong hand type), 2S for spades & minor


Defence to 2H for majors:

Double of major bid is Passable Takeout Double

3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of Hs with 0-1 Hs (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits, if below game, are forcing.



Pair:                 Miyakuni - Tramoto

System:            2/1 with Multi, 2H for majors, 2S for spades & minor

Style:                Light openings with shape

Reg Defences:  Multi (has strong hand types), 2S for spades & minor


Defence to 2H for majors:

Double of major bid is Passable Takeout Double

3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of Hs with 0-1 Hs (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits, if below game, are forcing.




Pair:                 Nakamura - Shimizu

System:            2/1 with Multi, 2H for majors, 2S for spades & minor

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  Multi (no strong hand type), 2S for spades & minor


Defence to 2H for majors:

Double of major bid is Passable Takeout Double

3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of Hs with 0-1 Hs (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits, if below game, are forcing.



Day 1 - Sunday 23 October

#2 USA 1 - Sunday 23 October – 14h00-16h50


Pair:                 Hamman - Soloway

System:            Strong Club, Canape possible, Flannery

Style:                Stretch for games, semi-aggressive, super experienced

Reg Defences:  Strong Club, Flannery



Pair:                 Meckstroth - Rodwell

System:            Strong Club, Multi (1/2 seats), 2S 12-15 or so natural.

Style:                Very frequent upgrades with playing value, aggressive, super experienced

Reg Defences:  Strong Club, Multi (no strong hand types)


Defence to 2H or 2D short in Ds (2H first/second seat, 2D third/fourth seat):

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing – next double is Passable Takeout

3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of suit opened very short.

Other doubles are Passable Takeout Doubles

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game.


Defence to 1NT Overcall Comic/Gardner when not vulnerable:

Same as usual except double by either player establishes a force to 2NT, allowing for forcing passes to be made at two level.




Pair:                 Freeman - Nickell

System:            2/1

Style:                Steady, Very Experienced

Reg Defences:  N/A



Day 1 - Sunday 23 October

#3 Argentina - Sunday 23 October – 17h30-20h20


Pair:                 Fornasari - Palazzo

System:            2/1

Style:                Active

Reg Defences:  Multi (has strong hand types)

Flannery 2H (opening may have weak 5-5+ majors but treat as Flannery).

                        2NT showing both minors


Defence to 2S showing weak C or D or 29-30 balanced:

Do not treat as forcing as 29-30 balanced as too infrequent for them to worry about

Double is Passable Value Showing.

Doubles of minors are Passable Takeout Doubles.

3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of Ss with 0-1 Ss (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including minor suit bids – in reply new suits forcing below game.



Pair:                 Madala-Lambardi

System:            Strong Club, Multi

Style:                Steady, even though Madala is quite young, but new partnership

Reg Defences:  Strong Club, Precision 2C, Multi (no strong hand types*),

2H/S major & minor, 2NT both minors

            * confirm this as card is not clear



Pair:                 Mooney - Monsegur

System:            Strong Club

Style:                Steady, Experienced

Reg Defences:  Strong Club, Precision 2C


Defence to 2D weak with both majors

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing Double

Doubles of major suit bids are Passable Takeout Doubles.

3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of Ds with 0-1 Ds (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits below game forcing.




Day 2 - Monday 24 October

#4 China - Monday 24 October – 10h00-12h50


Pair:                 Zhong Fu-Jie Zhao

System:            2/1, Multi, 2H/S shows major & minor

Style:                Steady

Reg Defences:  Multi (with strong hand type), 2H/S natural with minor


Defence to 2C weak with both majors or any GF or 24+ balanced

Pass with any marginal hand – then bid later as appropriate.

Pass if short in Cs – then bid later.

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing, decent hand 14+.

Other doubles are Passable Takeout.

Natural bidding, including majors.  In reply new suits are forcing below game.



Pair:                 Haojun Shi - Zejun Zhuang

System:            2/1, Multi (1/2/4 seats), 2H/S shows major & minor

Style:                Steady

Reg Defences:  Multi (no strong hand types), 2H/S natural with minor




Pair:                 Jian Ming Dai – Li Xin Yang

System:            Strong Club

Style:                Steady, Experienced

Reg Defences:  Strong Club, 2NT opening showing both minors.


Defence to 2D weak with both majors

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing Double

Doubles of major suit bids are Passable Takeout Doubles.

3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of Ds with 0-1 Ds (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game



Day 2 - Monday 24 October

#5 USA 2 - Monday 24 October – 14h00-16h50


Pair:                 Ekeblad - Rubin

System:            Strong Club, Lots of Canape, Special Two Bids

Style:                Swingy due to system and willingness to take positions, experienced

Reg Defences:  Strong Club

For their Canape Openings permit doubles and notrump overcalls to be somewhat off-shape (discuss).

Discuss when opponents have shown two suits, does a cuebid show or ask for a stopper.


Defence to 2C 11-15 with either 6+Cs or 4+Cs & 5+Ss

Treat as natural, careful to have a decent hand for spade overcall.  Permit double to be off-shape.


Defence to 2D 11-15 with 4+Ds & 5+Hs

Double=Takeout double of Hs!

2H=Takeout double of Ds, tends to be for the black suits, forcing to 2S

If they raise Ds, cheapest H bid is for the black suits, forcing to cheapest S bid.

If they raise Ds, double is Passable Takeout Double.

Rest: as over a 2H opening, so that 3D is natural overcall


Defence to 2H 11-15 with 4+Cs & 5+Hs

If they raise Cs, cheapest H bid is for the Ss&Ds, forcing to cheapest S bid.

Rest: as over a 2H opening, so that 3C is natural overcall


Defence to 2S 11-15 with 4+Cs & 5+Ss

If they raise Cs, cheapest S bid is for the Hs&Ds, forcing.

Rest: as over a 2S opening, so that 3C is natural overcall



Pair:                 Greco - Hampson

System:            Strong Club, Multi (1/2 seats), 2S 9-12 or so natural.

Style:                Just like Meckwell, very frequent upgrades, aggressive

Reg Defences:  Multi (no strong hand types)


Defence to 2H or 2D short in Ds (2H first/second seat, 2D third/fourth seat):

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing – next double is Passable Takeout

3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of suit opened very short.

Other doubles are Passable Takeout Doubles

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits below game forcing.



Pair:                 Gitelman - Moss

System:            2/1

Style:                Steady, Experienced, When not vul they prefer bidding over passing

Reg Defences:  3NT (for both majors)


Day 2 - Monday 24 October

#6 New Zealand - Monday 24 October – 17h30-20h20


Pair:                 Cornell - Crombie

System:            Natural, 4 card heart opening, 5 card spade opening

Style:                Steady

Reg Defences:  Defence to strong 2D artificial opening (22-23 bal or Hs*)

* check to confirm no weak hand types in this opening



Pair:                 Jacob - Mayer

System:            Natural (1C can be two clubs), Multi

Style:                Active

Reg Defences:  Multi (with strong hand types), 2H/S major & minor



Pair:                 Reid - Newell

System:            Strong Club, Transfer Openings for the Majors (often quite light)

Style:                Active

Reg Defences:  Strong Club, 2H/S major & minor opening.  For their Canape Openings permit doubles and notrump overcalls to be somewhat off shape (discuss),

                        Defence to Comic notrump: like standard except double is forcing to 2NT or penalty – so that forcing passes can be made.


Defense to 1D/H Opening showing 4+ in major above and 9-13

Non-jump major bids natural – even their major – in reply new suits forcing if below game

Double is Passable Value Showing double

2C is natural with Cs or takeout of suit opened (not suit shown, but opened)

Rest as over opening bid in their major


Defense to 1S Opening showing 4+ Ds and 9-13

Non-jump major bids natural – even their major – in reply new suits forcing if below game

Double is Passable Value Showing double

2C is natural with Cs or takeout of Spades (0-1 spades)

Rest as over natural 1D opening.


Defence to 2C/D opening – major two steps above + minor 2-8

Double is Passable Value Showing in direct or balance if they pass 2C.

Doubles of Hs are Passable Takeout Double.

If they bid Hs, cuebid of Hs is takeout of Hs and very short.

Defence to 2NT showing Club Preempt

Double with values, can be takeout double of Cs

3C with both majors

Rest – as if they opened 3C

Day 3 - Tuesday 25 October

#7 Egypt - Tuesday 25 October – 10h00-12h50


Pair:                 Dagner – El Kourdy

System:            Natural (1C could be short as two), Multi

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  Multi (with strong hand types), 2H (H+other), 2S(S&minor)



Pair:                 El Ahmady - Sadek

System:            Natural (1C could be short as two), Multi

Style:                Very Experienced, Steady

Reg Defences:  Multi (no strong hand types) , 2H (H+other), 2S(S&minor)



Pair:                 El Geddawy - Pascal

System:            Usual: 1C=4S(exactly), 1H=4+Hs, 1D=no 4cM

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  Artificial Strong 2D, 9-13 6 card suit openings of 2H, 3C, and 3D

                        Defend 1H as normal 1H opener

                        Defend 1D as Precision 1D opener


Defence to 1C opening showing 4Ss (exactly)

Double is takeout of Ss (can be off shape having doubleton in a minor)

Cheapest S bid is natural with good spades

Rest as over S opening.


Defence to 2NT preempt in either minor

Double of 2NT shows values, and is most frequent bid.

Double of minor bid (could be Pass/Correct) is Passable Takeout Double

3C directly over 2NT: both majors & power – 3D now asks for best major

3D directly over 2NT: both majors & shape – forcing just to 3H

Rest is natural.


Day 3 - Tuesday 25 October

#8 Poland - Tuesday 25 October – 14h00-16h50


Pair:                 Jassem – Martens

System:            Not Vulnerable:            Strong Club (14+)

                        Vulnerable:                   Polish Club

Style:                Active

Reg Defences:  Strong Club(NV), Polish Club(V), Multi (vul only, no strong hand types),

2H/S major&minor, 2NT both minors


Defence to 2D both majors, not vulnerable only

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing Double

Doubles of major suit bids are Passable Takeout Doubles.

3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of Ds with 0-1 Ds (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits below game forcing.



Pair:                 Jagniewski - Pazur

System:            Polish Club, Multi (1/2 seats), 2H/S either/or two suiters.

Style:                Semi-active

Reg Defences:  Polish Club, Multi (no strong hand types)


Defence to 2H or 2S showing either/or two suiter

(2H shows H&C or S&D, 2S shows H&D or S&C)

Doubles are passable takeout double

All overcalls are natural – in reply new suits are forcing if below game

3C is natural or takeout of the suit opened (so will have some clubs)



Pair:                 Krupowicz - Lutostanski

System:            Polish Club type (even though card says seminatural approach)

Style:                Variable

Reg Defences:  Polish Club


Defence to 2C both majors

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing Double

Doubles of major suit bids are Passable Takeout Doubles.

2D is natural overcall in Ds, or takeout double of Cs with 0-1 Cs (so has Ds).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game


Defence to 2D weak two in Hs or Ss & minor

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing Double

Doubles of major suit bids are Passable Takeout Doubles.

3C is natural overcall in Cs, or takeout double of Ds with 0-1 Ds (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game


Defence to 2H weak two in Ss or Hs & minor

Doubles of major suit bids are Passable Takeout Doubles.

3C is natural overcall in Cs, or takeout double of Hs with 0-1 Hs (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game


Defence to 2S bad minor preempt or good major preempt

Double is Passable Value Showing.

If responder or opener bids suit, double is Passable Takeout Double

3C is natural overcall in Cs, or takeout double of Ss with 0-1 Ss (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game



Day 3 - Tuesday 25 October

#9 South Africa - Tuesday 25 October – 17h30-20h20


Pair:                 Cope – Holman

System:            2/1

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  N/A



Pair:                 Gower - Chu

System:            2/1

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  N/A




Pair:                 Castelein - Hughes

System:            ACOL, 4 card majors, Strong Twos except 2D Multi

Style:                Steady, Experienced

Reg Defences:  Multi (with strong hand types)


Day 4 - Wednesday 26 October

#10 Brazil - Wednesday 26 October – 10h00-12h50


Pair:                 BrancoBranco

System:            2/1

Style:                Steady, Experienced

Reg Defences:  N/A



Pair:                 Chagas – Villas Boas

System:            2/1

Style:                Experienced, Active

Reg Defences:  N/A




Pair:                 Janz - Hughes

System:            2/1, Multi, 2H/S major & minor

Style:                Active

Reg Defences:  Multi (with strong hand types), 2H/S major & minor, 2NT minors


Day 4 - Wednesday 26 October

#11 Russia - Wednesday 26 October – 14h00-16h50


Pair:                 DubininGromov

System:            Strong Club

Style:                Experienced, Active

Reg Defences:  Strong Club, Multi (no strong hand types), 2H/S major & minor,

2NT minors



Pair:                 KhokhlovKhven

System:            Polish Club, Multi (careful as second page of cc is misaligned)

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  Polish Club, Multi (no strong hand types), 2H/S major & minor,

                        2NT minors



Pair:                 Kholomeev - Zlotov

System:            Polish Club, Multi, 2H/S major & minor

Style:                Active

Reg Defences:  Polish Club, Multi (no strong hand types), 2H/S major & minor,

2NT minors


Day 4 - Wednesday 26 October

#12 Guadeloupe - Wednesday 26 October – 17h30-20h20


Pair:                 GerinPhillippe

System:            Natural, five card majors

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  Artificial Strong 2D Opening



Pair:                 JoattonRizk

System:            Natural, five card majors

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  Artificial Strong 2D Opening



Pair:                 Kempczynski - Penture

System:            Natural, five card majors

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  Artificial Strong 2D Opening


Day 5 - Thursday 27 October

#13 England - Thursday 27 October – 10h00-12h50


Pair:                 Gold – Townsend

System:            ACOL, four card majors if not 18+, Multi

Style:                Swingy

Reg Defences:  Multi (with strong hand types), Flannery 2H


Defence to 2S bad preempt in any suit

Double is Passable Value Showing.

If responder or opener bids suit, double is Passable Takeout Double

3C is natural overcall in Cs, or takeout double of Ss with 0-1 Ss (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game



Pair:                 Hackett – Hackett

System:            ACOL, four card majors if not extras, five card suit weak twos

Style:                Very swingy

Reg Defences:  N/A



Pair:                 Price - Simpson

System:            ACOL, four card majors quite possible

Style:                Steady within a swingy framework

Reg Defences:  N/A


Day 5 - Thursday 27 October

#14 Sweden - Thursday 27 October – 14h00-16h50


Pair:                 Fredin - Lindkvist

System:            Carrot Club (11-13 bal or any 17+ or short in Ds), Multi

Style:                Active, Experienced

Reg Defences:  Use Polish Club defence vs. 1C, Multi (has strong hand types),

2S 10-13 6+Ss, 2NT minors


Defence to 2H, 4Hs & longer Cs (frequently 6+):

Double is takeout of Cs – passable.

3C shows Ss & Ds, forcing to 3D

Rest as over natural C opener, including 3H being a natural overcall



Pair:                 Bertheau - Nystrom

System:            Strong Club, Natural 2m opening

Style:                Active

Reg Defences:  Strong Club, Precision could be short as 0 1D opener, 2NT minors



Pair:                 Sundelin - Sylvan

System:            Strong Club, Multi, 2H short in Ds, 2S both minors

Style:                Experienced, Active

Reg Defences:  Strong Club, Multi (has a strong hand type)


Defence to 2H short in Ds:

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing – next double is Passable Takeout

Direct 3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of Hs very short.

Other doubles are Passable Takeout Doubles

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing below game.


Defence to 2S 5+Ds, 4+Cs, 13-16, 4 to 5 1/2 losers

Double is Passable Value Showing.

If responder or opener bids suit, double is Passable Takeout Double

3C is natural overcall in Cs, or takeout double of Ss with 0-1 Ss (so has Cs).

3D is takeout with both majors.

Otherwise bidding as over 2D opener.


Day 5 - Thursday 27 October

#15 Jordan - Thursday 27 October – 17h30-20h20


Pair:                 Barakat - Ghanem

System:            Strong Club, Multi, 2H various, 3x Transfer Preempts

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  Strong Club, Multi (has strong hand types), 2S Spades & other,

                        Over 3S (solid suit) bid as if gambling 3NT opening


Defence to 2H weak with Hs&minor or 11-15 short in Ds (this may not be legal):

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing – next double is Passable Takeout

Direct 3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of Hs very short.

Other doubles are Passable Takeout Doubles

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing below game.


Defence to 3 Level Transfer Preempts

Double is takeout double of their suit

Delayed doubles shows good values, not short in their suit

Bid of their suit shows good hand, playing value, asks for stopper for 3NT

Rest as over opening of the suit



Pair:                 Ghanem - Ghanem

System:            2/1, 1C can be as short as 2, two-way 2D/H/S

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  N/A


Defence to 2D weak two in Hs or Ss & minor

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing Double

Doubles of major suit bids are Passable Takeout Doubles.

3C is natural overcall in Cs, or takeout double of Ds with 0-1 Ds (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game


Defence to 2H weak two in Ss or Hs & minor

Doubles of major suit bids are Passable Takeout Doubles.

3C is natural overcall in Cs, or takeout double of Hs with 0-1 Hs (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game


Defence to 2S both majors or both minors

Double is Passable Value Showing.

If responder or opener bids suit, double is Passable Takeout Double

3C is natural overcall in Cs, or takeout double of Ss with 0-1 Ss (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game


Day 6 - Friday 28 October

#16 India - Friday 28 October – 10h00-12h50


Pair:                 NadarNarayana

System:            Std. Amercian, Multi

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  Multi (with strong hand types), 2H Hs & other, 2S Ss & minor



Pair:                 ChoksiVenkatraman

System:            2/1

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  N/A



Pair:                 Gupta - Tewari

System:            2/1

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  N/A

Day 6 - Friday 28 October

#17 Netherlands - Friday 28 October – 14h00-16h50


Pair:                 BakkerenBertens

System:            2/1, 1C can be as short as 2

Style:                Steady

Reg Defences:  2S spades & minor


Defence to 2C/D/H showing strong hand or weak two in next suit:

Assume opening is weak at first

Double is takeout double of their suit

Cuebid is like if they opened one of weak suit and we bid two of it (Michaels)

Rest as if they opened the weak two bid



Pair:                 de Wijs – Muller

System:            Strong Club

Style:                Active, Experienced

Reg Defences:  Strong Club, 2NT minors


Defence to 2D short in Ds:

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing – next double is Passable Takeout

Direct 3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of Hs very short.

Other doubles are Passable Takeout Doubles

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing below game.



Pair:                 Jansma - Verhees

System:            Polish Club like, Multi when NV

Style:                Steady, Experienced

Reg Defences:  Polish Club, Multi when NV (no strong hand types),

2S Ss & minor NV.vs NV


Defence to 2H for majors (NV only):

Double of major bid is Passable Takeout Double

Direct 3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of Hs with 0-1 Hs (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits below game forcing.


Defence to 2NT for Ss and Ds NV vs Vul only:

Double is Passable Value Showing

3D is takeout for Hs and Cs, forcing to 3H

Rest is natural, including spade overcalls.  Diamonds is the cuebid suit.


Day 6 - Friday 28 October

#18 Portugal - Friday 28 October – 17h30-20h20


Pair:                 Luis – Paz

System:            2/1, Multi

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  Multi (no strong hand types), 2H/S strong natural opening



Pair:                 PereiraSantos

System:            2/1

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  Multi (no strong hand types), 2H/S strong natural opening



Pair:                 Pessoa - Castanheira

System:            2/1, 1C could be short as 2

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  Multi (no strong hand types), 2H/S strong natural opening


Day 7 - Saturday 29 October

#19 Chinese Taipei - Saturday 29 October – 10h00-12h50


Pair:                 Chiu – Yang

System:            Strong Club

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  Strong Club, Precision 1D


Defence to 2D weak two in Hs or Ss & minor

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing Double

Doubles of major suit bids are Passable Takeout Doubles.

3C is natural overcall in Cs, or takeout double of Ds with 0-1 Ds (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game


Defence to 2H weak two in Ss or Hs & minor

Doubles of major suit bids are Passable Takeout Doubles.

3C is natural overcall in Cs, or takeout double of Hs with 0-1 Hs (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game


Defence to 2S both majors or both minors

Double is Passable Value Showing.

If responder or opener bids suit, double is Passable Takeout Double

3C is natural overcall in Cs, or takeout double of Ss with 0-1 Ss (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game



Pair:                 Huang – Wu

System:            2/1

Style:                Experienced

Reg Defences:  N/A


Defence to 2D weak two in Hs or Ss & minor

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing Double

Doubles of major suit bids are Passable Takeout Doubles.

3C is natural overcall in Cs, or takeout double of Ds with 0-1 Ds (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game


Defence to 2H weak two in Ss or Hs & minor

Doubles of major suit bids are Passable Takeout Doubles.

3C is natural overcall in Cs, or takeout double of Hs with 0-1 Hs (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game


Defence to 2S both majors or both minors

Double is Passable Value Showing.

If responder or opener bids suit, double is Passable Takeout Double

3C is natural overcall in Cs, or takeout double of Ss with 0-1 Ss (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game




Pair:                 Yeh - Shen

System:            Standard, 1C can be short as 2

Style:                Unknown

Reg Defences:  N/A


Day 7 - Saturday 29 October

#20 Italy - Saturday 29 October – 14h00-16h50


Pair:                 BocchiDuboin

System:            Italian 2/1, 1C could be two, 2D Big Opening, 2C 18-19 (or so) balanced

Style:                Steady, Error free, Very Experienced

Reg Defences:  Strong Artificial 2D Opening


Defence to 2C 18-19 balanced:

After responder bids then as if they opened 1NT.  In direct with good distribution:

Double = Clubs and another suit.  Suit bids, aside from clubs, now pass or correct.  2NT asks for second suit, with 3C showing Cs & Ss.

2D = Spades and either Hearts or Diamonds.  2H bid is now to play opposite Hs, while a bid of 2NT asks for second suit, with 3C showing Hs.

2NT = Hearts & Diamonds

3NT=Both minors.

Rest is natural



Pair:                 FantoniNunes

System:            One bids good and forcing (14+ with upgrades from good 12-13)

Style:                Double Dummy, Very Experienced

Reg Defences:  Use Polish Club Defence vs 1C Opener

                        Over Major suit openings natural, but can use 1NT as a two-suited takeout of some sort (e.g. Raptor).


Two bids have narrow range and intermediate – good 9 to poor 13.  Often five card suit (no suit quality required) and minor bids can have four.  If not short in their suit and with a marginal hand await developments.  If responder asks, but then drops reply one should consider balancing with a passable takeout double.



Pair:                 Lauria - Versace

System:            Italian 2/1, 1C could be two, 2D 18-20 balanced

Style:                Aggressive, light bids/overcalls when not vulnerable, Very Experienced

Reg Defences:  N/A


Defence to 2D 18-20 balanced:

After responder bids then as if they opened 1NT.  In direct with good distribution:

Double = Spades and another suit.  2H bid is now to play opposite Hs, while 2NT asks for second suit.

2NT = Hearts and a minor.  Minor bids now pass or correct.

3NT=Both minors

Rest is natural


Day 7 - Saturday 29 October

#21 Australia - Saturday 29 October – 17h30-20h20


Pair:                 Hans – Nunn

System:            5 cards majors, 2D artificial GF, 2C weak both majors

Style:                Semi-active

Reg Defences:  Strong Artificial 2D Opening


Defence to 2C both majors

Direct Double is Passable Value Showing Double

Doubles of major suit bids are Passable Takeout Doubles.

2D is natural overcall in Ds, or takeout double of Cs with 0-1 Cs (so has Ds).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits forcing if below game



Pair:                 Markey – Horton

System:            Natural, 1S five spades, 1H four hearts, 2D/H/S two suiters

Style:                Semi-active

Reg Defences:  N/A


Defence to 2D for Ds & Ss, 4-4+:

Double of Ds or Ss is Passable Takeout Double

3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of Ds with 0-1 Ds (so has Cs).

Rest as over opening of weak two in Ds, including natural bids in Ss.

Ds is the cuebid suit.


Defence to 2H for majors:

Double of major bid is Passable Takeout Double

3C is natural overcall in clubs, or takeout double of Hs with 0-1 Hs (so has Cs).

Natural bidding including bids of majors – in reply new suits below game forcing.


Defence to 2S for Cs & Ss, 4-4+:

Double of Cs or Ss is Passable Takeout Double

3C is takeout for Hs and Ds, forcing to 3D.

3D is natural overcall in diamonds, or takeout double of Ss with 0-1 Ss (so has Ds).

Rest as over opening of 3C, including natural bids in Ss.

Cs is the cuebid suit.



Pair:                 Marston - Thomson

System:            Strong Club (15+ in 1/2, 17+ in 3/4), major suit light transfer openings 1/2

Style:                Semi-active, looking for swings using relay system

Reg Defences:  Strong Club, Multi (no strong hand types) in 1/2, Precision 1D in 3/4,

2NT minors


Defense to 1D/H Opening showing 4+ in major above and 9-13 (in 1/2)

Non-jump major bids natural – even their major – in reply new suits forcing if below game

Double is Passable Value Showing double

2C is natural with Cs or takeout of suit opened (not suit shown, but opened)

Rest as over opening bid in their major


Defense to 1S Opening showing 4+ Ds and 9-13

Non-jump major bids natural – even their major – in reply new suits forcing if below game

Double is Passable Value Showing double

2C is natural with Cs or takeout of Spades (0-1 spades)

Rest as over natural 1D opening.



Common Opening Defences


For the generic defence structure, see: Countering Vexing Bids


Partnerships will need defences to the following common openings:

Polish Club

Strong Club

Precision 1D Opening (alternative defence is to treat as natural)

Strong Artificial 2C Opening

Strong Artificial 2D Opening

Multi (without strong hand types)

Multi (with strong hand types)

2H/S showing major bid and another suit (usually a minor)

2NT for both minors


3NT as Gambling, both Majors, both Minors, minor preempt etc.


Here are some alternatives if no method is ready – only use these methods if the partnership does not already have a defence and this have been briefly discussed by the two of you.  These methods are not optimal, but can be effective and are simple to employ.


Alternative Defence to Polish Club

Double of 1C or non-suit showing bid is Passable Value Showing

Doubles of suit showing bids are Passable Takeout Doubles

1NT over 1C is takeout of Cs, forcing to 2D

2C over 1C is natural

2D over 1C shows 5-5+ in majors

Rest as over natural 1C opening (including 2NT for Hs & Ds)

If opponents bid a suit that is not clubs, this becomes cuebid suit, not clubs


Alternative Defence to Strong Club or Strong Artificial 2C Opening

Double is Clubs and another suit

Cheapest D bid is Spades and either Hearts or Diamonds – now H bid is to play opposite Hs and cheapest notrump ask for second suit, overcaller bidding Cs with Hs.

Cheapest NT is Hearts and Diamonds

Jump in NT is both minors

All other bids natural


Alternative Defence to Strong Artificial 2D Opening, and if Strong C opening and D response (e.g. 2C-Pass-2D-?)

Double is Spades and another suit – now H bid is to play opposite Hs and cheapest NT asks second suit

Cheapest NT is Hearts and a minor

Jump in NT is both minors

All other bids natural

If it goes 2D-Pass-2H-?, then double=Hs, 2NT=major&minor, 3NT=minors, rest natural


Alternative Defence to Multi with or without strong hand types

Double is Passable Value Showing – next double by either is Passable Takeout Double

Rest Natural – in reply new suits, if below game, are forcing


Alternative Defence to 2H/S shows major and another suit

Double is Passable Takeout Double

Bid of 3 of major is takeout very short in major

Rest as over weak two in major


Alternative Defence to 2NT for minors

Cheapest bid of Cs shows both majors with power, now cheapest D ask for best major

Cheapest bid of Ds shows both majors, shapely hand

Double of NT is Passable Value Showing

Double of suit bid is Passable Takeout Double

Major bids natural, other minor suits show shortness and majors


Alternative Defence to Flannery

Double is Passable Value Showing Double

2H is takeout with short Ds

Rest as over weak two in Hs


Alternative Defence to various 3NT openings

Double is Passable Value Showing Double

If they bid a suit, Double is Passable Takeout Double

Bids in suits they have not promised are natural

4NT is ace asking

Cheapest bid in a suit they have promised is takeout for the suits they have not promised

Next cheapest bid in a suit they have promised is takeout for the suits with a shapely hand, not power.


Simplified Passable Value Showing Doubles at 1 and 2 levels


When Passable Value Showing Doubles are played at the 1 and 2 levels, this option is available to simplify their use with balanced hands:


When balanced:

            Passable Value Showing Double shows 13-15 or 19+

            Cheapest Notrump shows 16-18.


Does not apply to the alternative Polish Club defence given above, as it uses 1NT for takeout.